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Transform your beauty routine with our collection of organic and vegan skincare products. Our mission is to provide clean, effective, and affordable skincare for everyone. Join us on this journey to radiant skin!
"有齊補水、美白、抗氧、抗皺,抗敏功能, audrey laure 面膜 連專業美容院都用佢...質地好輕薄隱形, 敷完行黎行去都唔會跌落地, 用完皮膚亮白度同水潤度都有明顯提升,睇落去精神咗" by Explore more
audrey laure "作為面膜控,今次就推介呢款獲美容師推薦
肌肽緊緻修護面膜。醫美後用最啱,即打造緊亮彈滑 面膜透薄水潤、剪裁好貼面又舒服,短短10分鐘已產生緊緻、拉提感,導入埋水分滿滿、富緊彈嘅安瓶精華,皮膚觸感瞬即柔軟、水嫩面色亮白,估唔到喺屋企都享受到專業美容效果" by Amy's Beauty
"Audrey Laure係好多美容院推介嘅護膚品,原裝係瑞士、德國、法國等地生產嘅醫學美容品牌,呢個系列專為針對亞洲人肌膚而研發。而成份結合咗科研同草本成分,從肌膚根本去改善衰老、暗啞、色斑、敏感、乾涸、痘粒等問題" by Scarlett To 旅遊玩樂誌
Super Moisturizing, soothing effect, Cleanser, cream, lotion, serum, caring for the most delicate
Natural & organic herbal essences, the plant-based alcohol, unique advanced technology from Germany. Deeply moisturizing.
Strong penetration and moisture-locking capabilities, ontains sodium hyaluronate, increase skin hydration in 1 second.
- Skin repairing, rich in B5, healing of epidermal wounds, obvious anti-inflammatory & calming effects, suitable for skin problems such as acne, erythema, eczema and sunburn
Highly effective concentrate, caring for most delicate skin
2 in 1 repair mask + peptide booster
Defense + Moisture + Rejuvenate
Energizing, nourishing & anti-aging.
Double Patent Technology
Super Moisturizing, soothing effect and strengthen the skin's defense system
2 in 1 whitening mask + booster
Brighten + Moisture + Tone up
Anti-dark spot, repair sun damage, even skin tone
Each small bottle is individually packaged, convenient and hygienic; enjoy the fresh and effective essence fully with each use!
高效安瓶精華, 小瓶包裝, 方便新鮮!
Professional care for your feet - fungal infection, itching, cracking, severe calluses
Gently soften excess or hardened cuticles for easy removal.
For fungal infection, highly effective formula can prevent bacterial & fungal infections of finger/toenails & strengthen finger/toenail tissue. 抵禦真菌感染
修復受損指/趾甲, 回復健康, 減少瘙癢不適,預防炎症
Audrey Laure 極光女神機 - 肌膚問題-解決師! 終結黑暗,開啟美麗明亮的一天!
4合1 功能
-9色LED光療嫩膚 – 激發膠原抗皺力,提升彈性,淡紋緊緻,提拉塑形,提亮去黑,改善皮膚狀態
-EMS脈衝微電流 –刺激肌肉運動,緊緻提拉,更嫩滑緊致
-42∘温熱敷- 促進血液循環,增強導入效果
-VR高頻振動提拉 – 每分鐘12000次,打開毛孔、加速血液循環和營養吸收,舒緩按摩疲勞怠倦肌
52g超輕量,USB type C充電,無線使用,外出旅行更方便!
適用: 手、眼和面部
The renowned Japanese brand Plamine, known for its high-end beauty devices, has collaborated with Audrey Laure to launch a special Mother's Day combo. To pamper and appreciate every hardworking mom, allowing them to indulge in the most heartwarming skin care experience..
以出品高端美容儀而聞名的日本宙斯,與Audrey Laure 携手合作,推出今次精選,寵愛自己,享受最窩心的美肌時刻