"At the heart of Audrey Laure™ lies a profound commitment to 'MERGING NATURE AND SCIENCE WITH BEAUTY,' a philosophy that has shaped the brand since its inception in 1992. Founded by two visionary French botanists, Audrey Laure™ has always revered the power of nature, harnessing its botanical bounty to create transformative skincare solutions.
Our strategic partnerships with biotechnology pioneers, Laboratoire Eclat de Beaute and Laboratoire Innovaz GmbH, have allowed us to infuse our products with advanced Swiss biotechnology. In 2000, we launched our inaugural high-performance cosmeceutical skincare line. This collection was designed with a deep understanding of the intricate needs of skincare professionals and the diverse requirements of modern women across the globe. Our dedication to cellular therapy ensures that our products are not merely surface treatments but are working at the cellular level to rejuvenate and preserve the skin's natural vitality.
As we continue to break new ground in skincare, our commitment extends beyond the efficacy and safety of our products. Audrey Laure™ is proud to align with the growing demand for ethical and eco-friendly practices, ensuring that our contributions to the world of beauty are as sustainable and respectful as they are effective.
By MERGING NATURE AND SCIENCE WITH BEAUTY, we are not just a skincare brand; we are a promise of purity, innovation, and a genuine dedication to the well-being of our customers and the world around us.”
在 Audrey Laure™,我們始終堅持「融入自然與科學之美肌哲學」,自品牌成立於 1992 年以來,這信念一直引領著我們的發展。由兩位富有遠見的法國植物學家創立以來,我們秉承著純天然概念,致力運用植物萃取精華, 為您精心打造卓越的美肌方案。 。
在2000年我們與生物技術先驅 Laboratoire Eclat de Beaute 和 Laboratoire Innovaz GmbH 進行戰略合作,將先進的瑞士生物技術,融入產品中,並推出了首個高性能的藥妝護膚系列,專為美容業界和現代女性設計。我們認真追求卓越的護理效果,確保產品不僅僅只停留在表面護理,而是深入細胞肌底層,全面保護並重啟細胞的活力,逆轉肌齡。
隨著我們在護膚領域的持續探索,Audrey Laure™ 不只是堅持承諾產品的高效與安全。更以綠色美容為目標,選用天然成分,環保與品質兼備,配合簡約包裝,以實現可持續發展。
「融入自然與科學之美肌哲學」,我們不僅是一個護膚品牌,Audrey Laure™更是一個純淨、創新,對顧客和大自然的真誠承諾。Audrey Laure™,讓您的肌膚體驗自然與科技的力量。
To empower people to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin. By sourcing the most effective ingredients and formulas from around the globe, we endeavor to bring affordable luxury to individual homes.
我們的使命是賦予每個人無與倫比的自信與美麗,引領您邁向逆齡美肌的巔峰。我們以全球視野精選卓越成分與配方,憑藉嚴謹的篩選標準和科研實力,追求的不僅僅是產品的卓越品質,更是超高性價比的極致體驗。在Audrey Laure的世界裡,每位顧客皆可尊享奢華護膚體驗,開啟非凡美麗之旅。
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